What I Stopped Eating And Drinking That Reduced Aches And Pains...

The Diet That Added Healthier Years To My Life: You Could Get Lucky And Live Longer Too…

When you are feeling good and are young you don’t think much about your future health. Many don’t do it at all and let their doctor handle things. But most doctors won’t help you with your diet because they have little if any training in that area. You could go to a nutritionist, but I never did, and I am doing fine for being 73. I still can’t believe I am that old yet. My diet evolved from when I was 55 until this day through my own research and trial and error…

‘If you reach age 73 and feel healthy you know you have done something right’.

Amazing how time flies and I look in the mirror and see an old guy looking back. I am kind of getting used to it. But in my mind’s eye I still think I am handsomer than I am, like I used to be. Let’s just say I look more ‘distinguished’. That I don’t mind too much.

I notice now how much my body has changed and how it is more sensitive to what things I eat, especially the wrong foods. I can feel how sensitive my body is to processed foods that have too much salt. There will come a time for everyone that he or she can’t eat the way they used to.

I eat simply. I think that’s why I don’t have any health problems. I hear all the time people having this and that disease or pass away shortly before or after my age. It makes me wonder when my number is going to be up. But I would rather be healthy until I drop rather than ending up in hospice care.

So, if I were someone experiencing those ‘mysterious’ aches and pains I’d give up eating animal products, wouldn’t cook with oil, I’d give up refined sugar, anything made with flour and processed foods.

I’d eat simply. I’d prepare my own food and eat 80-90% fruits and vegetables. And wouldn’t forget that my meals did not have to taste bland because it’s OK to add a little salt, pepper and spices. Just like me, you could get lucky too.

Note- consult your doctor before you change your diet.

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