Can fruits replace vegetables

Can Fruits Replace Vegetables? Why It Could Be A ‘Definite Maybe…’

Can fruits replace vegetables? From all I’ve researched I believe that vegetables have more nutrients than fruit. Certain fruit, of course taste sweet and has more sugar than most if not all vegetables. But, do our bodies really require sugar? Or, are we better off with complex carbs?

‘Did you know tomatoes, avocados and cucumbers are fruits’?

From what I’ve studied the body treats all fructose the same. I know HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) is hazardous to our health. But, if you don’t eat processed or refined foods, there’s no worry. Therefore, if you do, read all labels.

Nonetheless, I personally avoid the high sugar fruits such as grapes, mangoes, watermelon, bananas, pears and pineapples in favor of occasional raspberries and strawberries. After a lifetime of abusing sugar in all its forms, I am now wary of anything containing high amounts of sugar.

‘What are we naturally meant to eat? The advice varies depending upon the source…’

This may seem odd to you, but fruit doesn’t give me energy. Same goes for sugary drinks, even fruit juice. All I know is I don’t have go to the doctor and take no prescription medications. I feel grateful and fortunate…

‘As far as I can tell both fruit and vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. The main difference is most fruit contains more sugar than most vegetables. But, again, do we really need more sugar? I have heard we should eat fruit in season that only naturally grows in our region for best health. Nowadays, fruits can be shipped in from around the world anytime of the year. If vegetables are nutrient dense, is there a need for fruit’?

Personally, I don’t eat much fruit. It was berries for quite a while, but some of them were too acid on my teeth. Blueberries were sky high in sugar. I ate too many berries and didn’t feel I benefitted as much as from the greener leafy vegetables (salads.)

‘I limit fruit to a bare minimum while maximizing vegetables’

In the end result, one has to be his own mentor. So much misinformation is out there that many of us assume is true. Therefore, one has to be careful what he takes to heart and believes or he may suffer health consequences. Trust in how your body feels after whatever you eat and drink.

Note- consult your doctor before you change your diet.


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